Welcome to qLEET’s documentation!

_images/logo-qlemma.png _images/logo-qleet.png

qLEET is an open-source library for exploring Loss landscape, Expressibility, Entangling capability and Training trajectories of noisy parameterized quantum circuits.

Unitary Fund

Will support Qiskit’s, Cirq’s and pyQuil’s quantum circuits and noise models.

Our package provides opportunities to improve existing algorithms like VQE, QAOA by utilizing intuitive insights from the ansatz capability and structure of loss landscape.

The aim of the library is to facilitate research in designing new hybrid quantum-classical algorithms.

Types of Plots

There are several types of analysis supported by our module. They are:

  • Expressibility Plot.

  • Loss Landscape Plot.

  • Training Path Plot.

  • Entanglement Alibility Value.

  • Histogram Plot.

More types of analysis will be added, be sure to raise an issue for feature requests on the repository.

_images/expressibility.gif _images/losslandscape.gif _images/trainingpath.gif

Examples of Circuit

The library comes with a few Pre-built circuits to which you can analyze out of the box.

One of those is QAOA for computing Max Cut of a Graph.

_images/graph.png _images/qaoa-ansatz.png

Indices and tables